Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Deer Story

Since Rick moved out, when I'm clinging to God and asking Him to remind me that He loves me, He sends me a deer. It's a long story, but it's God's way of sending me a little love note. Just something special between He and I. Between the King of the Universe... and me, of all people. Me! Various times throughout the winter, especially during those times that I felt especially rejected or alone, I'd pray for Him to send me a deer and He always sent a magnificent buck. Running through my yard, along the side of the interstate, on the way to a friend's house... deer. Bucks. Beautiful creatures! A few times He sent deer without me asking... but ALWAYS, ALWAYS when I ask for a deer, He sends one.

Yesterday afternoon, with tears in my eyes I prayed and asked God for a deer. I told Him how sorry I am that I had forgotten Him as my first love. I told Him that I wanted Him back. I wanted to be His girl, first and foremost. It wasn't that I wasn't still with God, but that I had gotten distracted. I'd lost my focus. I begged Him to fill the hole in my heart. I asked Him to send a deer.

Last night as I was getting the kids' dinner together, I looked out the kitchen window and in the gravel, beyond the deck there was this baby deer. Just a few days old. The sweetest, most precious little fawn I've ever seen. I ran out on to the deck and started snapping pictures but then it occured to me that my little friend wasn't running away like I thought it should. I threw a rock near it and it didn't budge. Then I was afraid that it was hurt or sick. I called my friends, Jaime and Lisa and they came over immediately, ready to nurse it back to health. Just before they got there I walked closer to it and when I got about 3 feet away it jumped and ran. Poor thing couldn't figure out how to get out of my yard. It was too small to jump the fence. Lisa and Jaime helped shoo it in the right direction and it made it out the front gate, through a neighbor's yard and back into the woods.

I always call Tanya when God sends me a deer. Always. She always reminds me that the big magnificent buck is my King. When I called her and told her that God sent me a fawn instead of a buck this time she said, "Heather. That's YOU! You're that fawn!" She's right. I backed myself into a corner in my walk with God recently and I didn't know how to get out. I didn't want to get out! But I knew I couldn't stay where I was. I was just kinda.... stuck. Last night God sent me friends that weren't going to let me stay trapped. And I know He's doing that in my life. My biggest prayer the past few weeks has been "God, slam doors shut and open windows." Sometimes in life we tend to wander around and suddenly realize that we don't know how to get back to where we're supposed to be, the center of God's will. Whether we land ourselves in the middle of danger or just in the corner of someone's back yard, we're out of place if we're not smack in the center of God's will. We can't receive the nourishment we need. We can't grow. We can't thrive. Sometimes we need friends to shoo us out of the corner. I'm so, so, so very blessed to have friends like that! God has sent so many special people into my life that have ministered to my heart in ways that they don't even know. If you're reading this you're one of those people. And I love you!

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